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Xming with Raspberry Pi

  1. Crustless Pi
  2. Pi & bash
  3. Eureka
  4. Raspberry blown?
  5. Pi SSH
  6. Pi Xming

Crustless Pi

This is detailed recipe (with bad puns!) for getting a Raspberry Pi displaying, out-of-the-box, via PuTTY and Xming on Windows. The method described is headless (AKA crustless: the Pi needs no keyboard, mouse or TV/monitor connected to perform it) but it's not compulsory to be so :). This is just a convenient method to make some simple file changes (that I use) with only a network cable and micro USB power connected to the Pi.

The method uses a Linux computer for setting the Raspbian image on the SD card (Raspbian changes shown here could just be deferred on a headed Pi). You need the Pi, not yet powered-up, connected to your network plus an SD card + USB adaptor; the latter just for interfacing the SD card to the Linux computer if it has no SD card slot.

Note: for this method the network ( has connected: a Windows computer, raspberrypi (will be set to and an internet gateway machine/firewall/router ( A Linux computer is also needed, but it does not have to be on the network.

Some of the window captures below may not exactly match what you now see with the latest Raspbian «wheezy» image.

Pi & bash

Download, copy to SD memory and customise the Raspbian «wheezy» image.

Note: commands shown ($ command) in this section are for the Linux computer.

  1. Download Raspbian «wheezy» 2013-09-25-wheezy-raspbian.zip to, for example, a Linux computer directory /scratch (the zip is 577 MB download and the extracted image, for the SD card, is 2.75 GB).

    $ cd /scratch
    $ sha1sum 2013-09-25-wheezy-raspbian.zip
    99e6b5e6b8cfbf66e34437a74022fcf9744ccb1d  2013-09-25-wheezy-raspbian.zip
    $ unzip 2013-09-25-wheezy-raspbian.zip
    Archive:  2013-09-25-wheezy-raspbian.zip
      inflating: 2013-09-25-wheezy-raspbian.img
  2. Plug your SD/adaptor into the Linux computer (best to reformat the SD card first). Find the device that is your SD card

    $ fdisk -l
       Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/sdc1            8192     7744511     3868160    b  W95 FAT32

    shows a /dev/sdc1 partition, for me, and a 4GB SD card (but check really carefully you get the right device + the SD card is about to be imaged and all its original contents lost!)

    $ umount /dev/sdc1
    umount: /dev/sdc1: not mounted

    just in case it is mounted and copy the image to the SD card (takes a while)

    $ dd bs=4M if=2013-09-25-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/sdc
    706+1 records in
    706+1 records out
    2962227200 bytes (3.0 GB) copied, 601.61 s, 4.9 MB/s

    Note: use of device: /dev/sdc, not the first partition on the device: /dev/sdc1.

    $ sync

    to flush system buffers before removing the SD/adaptor.

  3. You can see the Raspbian partitions on the SD card

    $ parted -l
    Model: SanDisk SDDR-113 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdc: 3965MB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos
    Number  Start   End     Size    Type     File system  Flags
     1      4194kB  62.9MB  58.7MB  primary  fat16        lba
     2      62.9MB  2962MB  2899MB  primary  ext4

    Note: you now have two partitions, the first /boot and the second /, for the Raspbian file system.

  4. Unplug the SD/adaptor and plug it back in again. The new partition will not mount if you don't do this.

  5. Mount partition /dev/sdc2 and go to the location of the first, of three, files to be changed

    $ mkdir /media/external     if the directory /media/external does not exist
    $ mount -t ext4 /dev/sdc2 /media/external
    $ cd /media/external/etc/network

    I'm going to set the interface on the Pi to be static address:, and the internet gateway: First edit file interfaces (file changes are show in unified format: diff -u)

     $ diff -u save_interfaces interfaces
    --- save_interfaces     2012-12-15 17:59:24.069999998 +0000
    +++ interfaces  2012-12-17 14:52:30.831407245 +0000
    @@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
     auto lo
     iface lo inet loopback
    -iface eth0 inet dhcp
    +iface eth0 inet static
     allow-hotplug wlan0
     iface wlan0 inet manual

    Add at least one nameserver to file /media/external/etc/resolv.conf (my gateway is also a DNS server). You can just add your ISP's DNS servers.

    Change directory (i.e. up to /media/external/etc) and edit file resolv.conf

    $ cd ..
    $ diff -u save_resolv.conf resolv.conf
    --- save_resolv.conf    2012-12-15 17:40:46.659995278 +0000
    +++ resolv.conf 2012-12-17 14:54:03.913156182 +0000
    @@ -1 +1 @@

    Correct the host address in file hosts

     diff -u save_hosts hosts
    --- save_hosts  2013-02-09 01:24:59.380002225 +0000
    +++ hosts       2013-02-12 22:38:28.731821935 +0000
    @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
     ff02::1                ip6-allnodes
     ff02::2                ip6-allrouters
    -      raspberrypi
    +    raspberrypi
  6. Enable the ssh server (it's disabled by default). Still from directory /media/external/etc

    $ for files in `find . -type l -name \*ssh`; do ls $files; done

    these symbolic links need to be changed. Use this as a script file

    rm ./rc3.d/K01ssh
    rm ./rc5.d/K01ssh
    rm ./rc4.d/K01ssh
    rm ./rc2.d/K01ssh
    ln -s ../init.d/ssh ./rc3.d/S02ssh
    ln -s ../init.d/ssh ./rc5.d/S02ssh
    ln -s ../init.d/ssh ./rc4.d/S02ssh
    ln -s ../init.d/ssh ./rc2.d/S02ssh

    Get out of the mounted partition and dismount it

    $ cd
    $ umount /media/external

You are finished on the Linux computer. Remove the SD/adaptor.


Transfer the SD card to the Pi and power it up. It should boot and be able to respond to ping and service SSH requests.

$ ping

Ping should respond on the Pi itself and elsewhere on the network (and where named to: raspberrypi).

Raspberry blown?

If you have a problem, or get one later, you can move the SD card back to the Linux computer, mount partition 2 again and examine the logs in directory /media/external/var/log

I clean SD cards with the official SD Association formatter, before reusing them, as it removes any partitions automatically.


Use PuTTY to login to the Pi remotely via SSH, configure and update the Raspbian OS, and prepare for use with XDMCP and X-Forwarding.

Note: commands shown ($ command) in this section are for your Pi via PuTTY on Windows.

  1. Run PuTTY.exe on your Windows computer.

    Enter the address of raspberrypi ( in this case), set the remote character set to UTF-8 and click «Open».

    PuTTY Host Name Configuration
    PuTTY UTF-9 Configuration

    Click «Yes» to the PuTTY Security Alert...we do trust this host!

    PuTTY Security Alert
  2. At the PuTTY terminal prompt respond pi to login as: and raspberry to pi@'s password:

    You should now have a command line terminal for pi@raspberrypi:~

    Enter: sudo raspi-config

    PuTTY Raspberry Pi
    PuTTY raspi-config

    You need to «Expand Filesystem» (if your SD card is bigger than 4GB), set «Console Text console, requiring login (default)» for «Enable Boot to Desktop/Scratch», check/set «Internationalisation Options» and «Select» «Advanced Options/Update». Note: that your ssh server should be left enabled, and the default locale is for the UK. Re-run raspi-config again anytime you want to change these options.

  3. You should be on the internet (via your gateway) so do a full upgrade

    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get upgrade

    Go make coffee...upgrade may take some time!

    You don't want all that login spam again and a reboot is now needed

    $ touch .hushlogin
    $ sudo shutdown -r now

    Your PuTTY terminal will disconnect, so close it, wait a while and reconnect with PuTTY when the Pi has booted (use ping to check it's up).

  4. Log back in to the PuTTY terminal for user pi.

    Give root a password and remember it (optional...it's your Pi...you can rebuild the image yourself if you destroy it...plus you don't want to keep typing sudo to do useful work!)

    $ sudo passwd root

    But I suggest you add (or enable) some aliases in ~/.bashrc for both user pi and root to protect yourself a little.

    --- save_.bashrc        2012-10-28 22:09:34.740000001 +0000
    +++ .bashrc     2012-11-25 07:56:57.832897001 +0000
    @@ -86,6 +86,10 @@
     #alias la='ls -A'
     #alias l='ls -CF'
    +alias rm='rm -i'
    +alias cp='cp -i'
    +alias mv='mv -i'
     # Alias definitions.
     # You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like
     # ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.

    Note: root has slightly different contents, in .bashrc, to that above.

  5. Become super user root

    $ su -

    login and install package xdm

    $ apt-get install xdm

    this runs

    dpkg-reconfigure xdm

    as part of the install and displays

    Raspberry Pi Configuring xdm
    Raspberry Pi xdm

    choose xdm as the default display manager.

  6. In /etc/X11/xdm change two files to allow remote access (so please be careful who can «sniff» traffic on your network)

    --- save_xdm-config     2012-04-29 22:19:04.000000000 +0100
    +++ xdm-config  2012-12-02 19:04:16.545476001 +0000
    @@ -33,4 +33,4 @@
     ! SECURITY: do not listen for XDMCP or Chooser requests
     ! Comment out this line if you want to manage X terminals with xdm
    -DisplayManager.requestPort:    0
    +! DisplayManager.requestPort:  0


    --- save_Xaccess        2012-04-29 22:19:04.000000000 +0100
    +++ Xaccess     2012-12-02 18:49:23.839205000 +0000
    @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
     # right hand sides can match.
    -#*                                     #any host can get a login window
    +*                                      #any host can get a login window
     # To hardwire a specific terminal to a specific host, you can
  7. Start xdm and install package x11-apps:

    $ service xdm start
    $ apt-get install x11-apps

    Create a ~/.Xdefaults file for users pi and root, containing one line (to display x11-apps in colour)


    Make sure XDMCP is listening on port 177/udp

    $ netstat -ulnp | grep 177
    udp        0      0   *                           2864/xdm

XDMCP mode and X-Forwarding are now available for use.

Pi Xming

Xming in now able to interact with the Pi in a number of ways.

  1. XDMCP mode

    On your Windows computer run

    Xming :1 -query

    or why not try out some of Xming's options?

    Xming :1 -query raspberrypi -clipboard -wgl -once -resize -screen 0 1280x720+100+100@1

    Logging in via Debian wheezy's xdm greater

    Xming with Raspberry Pi Login

    this «Welcome to raspberrypi» login also appears when headed

    Xming with Raspberry Pi Desktop

    The desktop displaying some of the X11-apps you installed earlier. Have fun :).

    Logout the LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) session properly from the Task Bar (LXPanel) when finished.

  2. X-Forwarding

    Start an Xming multiwindow mode server

    Xming -multiwindow -clipboard

    You have used PuTTY above: time to add settings for SSH X11 forwarding

    PuTTY X11 Configuration

    Now click «Open» and login as pi/raspberry as before. At the PuTTY terminal type

    $ midori

    the Midori browser (or most other applications) will display, and interact with the user, on the Windows desktop

    Midori on Xming with Raspberry Pi
  3. Finally: I recommend you don't use startlxde or lxsession via PuTTY as you can't Logout cleanly and the Pi's resources may be left in unknown states (e.g. processes and files not gracefully flushed, stopped or closed).
